Monday 15 October 2012

I had an idea or a vision that I can put up 50 pictures with the words and sentiments that they portray.  For me, my art is a placeholder for emotions and where I am in my life.

# 1 Bliss/Contentment
I did this painting as part of an Internet course call BIG for Fearless painters. It was of a memory of when my friend, Barbara and I took home our recorders in grade 4.  She came over to my house and we played random tweeting for an hour.  Barb died when she was 30.  She is often on my mind - she did not have an easy time growing up and later got sick.  I don't know if she ever had bliss or contentment in her life.  I sure she had moments she had a great laugh- giggle that never ended.

When I painted this girl, her arms were not able to play the recorder, instead she hugged herself! She can love herself and play her own horn.  This is something that women or myself have a hard time doing.  I am confident in myself now.  I love myself, I am content - even blissful.  She has her eyes closed and enjoying the present moment - that is what I do - I am blessed

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post & lovely representation of your memory.
